Monday, August 14, 2017

A Better You

Before you read this life changing piece of my mind, I want you to have a mindset that the month of August will be fruitful but it depends on what you have sown in YOU. In life, do you know that truly there is no competition other than seeing a better You staring back at you in the mirror every morning. There is no better way to explain this, than for you to learn how to develop yourself mentally, spiritually and physically.
There are people who measure their personal standard by what other people say or do. That is very wrong because life is about becoming a better version of yourself daily. While growing from infant to adulthood, our body developed based on what we feed on, now that we are here we need to make use of our abilities to be a better person to ourself, society and family. In this new month, here are the THREE WAYS to be a better You. 1. MENTALLY: Education is very essential to develop our mental ability, learn to read and write. Some of us are not privileged to go to school, such people can learn a trade of interest. Update yourself with trends in your career path. Always know that formal education will make you a living, but self education will make you a fortune. Sow a seed of knowledge in your life everyday. Read Newspaper, books etc. Be kind to young and old. Learn to give to the needy and render support to the less privilege. 2. SPIRITUALLY: If you believe there is life after death or NOT, everyone should be wise enough to understand that the world was created by someone we cannot really explain because our imagination is limited. Take a good look at the sky, oceans, vast land and everything therein. Well arranged. Truly you will agree with me that it was a creation by a supreme being. We need to worship Him, praise Him for the good things. Thank Him daily. Learn to communicate with Him personally. 3. PHYSICALLY: You need strength for each day activities, so endeavor to eat right. Sleep appropriately. Exercise your body adequately. Bath and clean up your body, nails, mouth, shave hair etc. Dress decently smart. Look beautiful for yourself because your total appearance attracts people of like minds to you. You need a mirror in your bedroom where you can sit and examine yourself wholly...stand, walk around and turn around in front of the mirror. Look at yourself from head to toe, love yourself and smile. Look into the mirror and say prayers for yourself. Excellence starts from self motivation. Believe in your self now and always. ***Written by: Aina Olanrewaju Alex For Seminar, Talk-Show or Youth Event kindly call: 07062845794

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