Friday, January 30, 2015

What Will You Be Remembered For?

How are you today?
Trust you are making progress towards your goals for the year?
Remember this is our year of promotion, you will not be demoted.
I would like to ask you a question, but I must warn you; it may look like a strange question at first, but when you ponder on it, you will realize its importance.

It is a question everybody on the face of this earth must answer. Those who fail to answer never really succeed.
Dear friend, “How will you be remembered?”
It is the first month of the year and we still have eleven months left. If you have never asked yourself this question or nobody has ever asked you before, I think this is a good time to ask yourself.
It is what you do that determines how you will be remembered and if you will even be remembered.
Do nothing and you will not be remembered or you will be remembered for not doing anything.
Do something and you will be remembered for it. Steve jobs is remembered for revolutionizing communication technology, Martin Luther king, Jr. is remembered for his famous "I Have a Dream" speech and his role in the advancement of civil rights and equality for black Americans.
I can go on and on but there is no time. Do you know the common thing all the people who
have impacted our world had? 
So, do you want to impact your world? It starts with a goal.
So, what is your goal?

*an email sent to me by Sam Adeyemi (my motivational guide).

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