Monday, January 30, 2017


There are various hurdles in Life which our actions and in-actions led us to. At a point in life, we find ourselves in situations we have never imagined and absolutely no idea to what brought us into such situation.

Today, I will like to share with you few things that popped up in my mind over the weekend. And with the inspiration I pray it will help us discover ourselves and the effects of our actions. At the end of this note you shall be able to answer this question which says “Are you living to contribute your quota or are you living to compete with others”? Let’s take a look at what Contribution and Competition means in regards to our daily life.

Contribution is giving and using something that you have or can do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful, no matter how small, as long as it is appreciated.
By giving your support, ideas, emotions and selfless service to success and growth of your family, relationship, job and ultimately your nation. By contributing, you bring in all you have learnt, experienced, gained and use them all for the success of your family, relationship or your team.
On the other hand, Competition is the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others in your family, relationship and job. Exhibiting our individual talent and ideas for self-gain, accolades and personal glory.

Competition involves using your zeal to express your personal ability to exceptionally outshine others to show yourself as superior to the other.
In a situation where everyone is competing with one another, there will be no unity and love. There will be mistakes. In a team, family or among colleagues at work, when you see others as inferior you are already in competition with them.
But when everyone is giving what they have; ideas, experience, selfless services to promote love, peace and success of your family, relationship, and job then ultimately we shall all win and share in the joy together.
When people notice your action of contributing, they tend to support you more but once they realize you are trying to be superior and outshine others, they will abandon you because you are not a team player. 

Imagine a football team, where the goal keeper defend the goal post, the Defenders defends the goal keeper, the Midfielders get the ball smoothly across to the Strikers who then put the ball in the opponents net skillfully…that’s team work. Everyone has a role to play in unity with others.
We can learn to give our best in whatever we do. Everything we are today is as a result of what we got from others. Let the people around you benefit from you and the sharing must be mutual.
How do you see life; a competition or for contribution?

LAST LINE: The best gift God almighty gave man is the power to choose....the liberty to make decision... Life is filled with choices which includes to contribute or to compete...for me, I have made my choice of contributing…WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE? Choose wisely?

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