Wednesday, August 10, 2016

AUGUST: At your own pace!

The year 2016 seems to be a contender at the Olympics. Seems faster than previous years. How far have you performed this year? That question is for everyone and the answer is personal. We need to appraise ourselves. Taking a look at the ‘Plans’ we made in January and check out what we have accomplished and the ones yet to start. How market?

There is an enormous difference between going slow and stopping completely. Even if you are making just a little bit of progress, that’s far better than being at a standstill or falling behind.
Even when you cannot do everything, you can still do something to improve your ability towards achieving your target plans for the year. When you cannot move as fast as you would like, that’s no reason to stop, no reason to give up. Go ahead and continue moving at whatever pace you can. Making just a little progress will, over time, put you much farther ahead than making no progress at all.
When you are faced with more than you can possibly do, feeling overwhelmed and letting it grind you to a halt is not going to help. Pick one thing and start to work on it, then the next, and little by little you will be getting it all done.
Running swiftly is great when you can do it, yet even when you can’t there’s no reason for despair. Because walking slowly will just as surely and steadily move you forward, and will keep the positive momentum alive.
Chip away at the mountain, steadily and with determination. Not only will you get through it, you will end up stronger and wiser for the experience.
Stay your pace, even if you think you are behind. The person in front of you is on his/her own pace and journey, not yours!

Do things at your own pace, upgrade yourself on the career path you have chosen at your own pace. Learn at a pace that works for you. Do not be distracted by others achievement, they worked and achieved it at their own pace, your time of greatness will surely come. Be strong and work at your pace!


  1. Good write up and a well motivational incline, keep it up

    1. Thanks Baba...Success is sure for us all. Happy Married Life bro...
